
Sokolution version 3.041 has been published

Florent Diedler has released a new version of Sokolution - the currently best Sokoban solver.


Change log :

  • Allow to bench a set of levels from a single file. 
  • Allow to set the backward algorithm when using the bidirectional mode

This version handles the ability to bench levels inside a single file complying with the XSB standard. For this, use the sokolutionBenchSingleFile.bat file instead of Sokolution.bat file.

By default, Sokolution will read single-file packages inside ressources/packages/ directory.

So put your .sok file inside this directory and then add the file name (without the sok extension) in the PACKAGE_LIST variable inside the sokolutionBenchSingleFile.bat file.

There is an example with the xsokoban package.

When launching by default the sokolutionBenchSingleFile.bat script, xsokoban levels will be benched using default parameters.

You can find details about which levels have been solved in the  Wiki .

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